Bail Application

 Law relating to the bail application in this artical we will discuss all Laws relating to the bail application in code of criminal procedure 1973 indians website

Bail Application

Law relating to the bail application in this artical we will discuss all Laws relating to the bail application in code of criminal procedure 1973 indians website

Every person in India to be free in accordance with the constitution article 21 which provides no person shall be detained without the procedure establish by law if anyone arrested detained wrongfully, person have right to take Bail in this article we will discuss law relating to the bail which given in the code of criminal procedure 1973

section relating to the bail under CrPC 1973

  • 436 A CRPC maximum period for which an under trial prisoner can be detained
  • 437 CRPC when bail may be taken in case of non bailable offence
  • 437 A CRPC bail to required accused to appear before the next appellate court
  • 438 CRPC direction for grant of bail to person apprehending arrest

436 A CRPC

436 a CrPC says that no person shell be detained for a period extending up to one half of the maximum period of imprisonment specified for the offence under the that law he shall be released by the court on is personal Bond with or without securities.

in simple language impression right to take Bail if Prisoner had detained half period of punishment for which used accused had been detained.

section 437 CRPC

section 437 is relating to the bail non bailable offence section 437 says when any person accused of aur suspected of the commission of any number billable offence is arrested or detained without Warrant by an officer in charge of a police station or appear aur is brought before a court other than the high court or Court of session he may be released on bail but-

(1) such person shall not be there appear reasonable grounds for believing that he has been guilty of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life

in simple language if any person arrested or detained 4 commission of non cognizable offence can be released on bail if accused previously had not been sentenced is meant for more than 3 year 7 year life imprisonment for death punishment shall not be released on bail. more information read section 437 CRPC

section 437 A CRPC bail to required accused to appear before next appellate Court

before conclusion of the trial and disposal of the appeal the court trying the office or the appellate Court as the case may be shall require the activist to execute bail Bond and securities to appear before the Higher Court as and when such Court issue notice in respect of appeal for petition filed against the judgement court and such bail bonds shall be in Force for six months

section 438 CRPC

section 438 CrPC is relating to the battery Bell sexual cells any person has reason to believe may be arrested on acquisition of bailable offence he may apply to the high court or the court of session four direction under this section that in the event of such a rest he shall be released on bail , for more details section 438 CRPC 1973

Also read- Right Of Information Act 2005


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